Our BPI Certification is Updated | Luzhou Pack
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the BPI certification of Luzhou Pack's bagasse fibre-based pulp moulded tableware has been updated.

Exciting news! the BPI certification of Luzhou Pack's bagasse fibre-based pulp moulded tableware has been updated. The certifed items could be checked at BPI's official website > https://shorturl.at/kouNP. As we mentioned before, our products's compostability performance is verified by multiple institutes, and we've met the standard of their requirements such as OK COMPOST HOME, BPI ASTM D6400 and/or D6868, EN13432, AS 5810, etc. What's more, we have great confidence to accept any inspection according to your local market's needs to help you take the market quickly. Hence trust us with peace in mind!

Certification download address: https://shorturl.at/nzCT0
Any questions or inquiries, don't hesitate to contact us.